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Help ! Our dad passed away several months ago, and we haven't found anyone who will take us and be part of their family again. We are boys, between 7-10 years old.
It's getting cold and where we are, we can't be inside the house with the owners other dogs because their dogs don't like us. We can go together or separate. We just want someone to love us. We've had booster shots and rabies vaccines and we both have been neutered. Please help us by giving us a home. We aren't big doggies, we are Chihuahua mixes, and just want to be loved. If someone would give us a home, you won't have to pay anything for all the care we've had.
Call 615-509-0911. We are in Portland, Tn. right now. Thanks.
Amazing grace (my chains are gone)
Rescue by Newsong